Saturday, 6 July 2013


that's called curvy and smart. and she is absolutely not ugly, only if you have eyes to realize that, please don't use abuse langauge

10 best lesson from Einstein life for Successful life

1.      Focus on the present,
Anyone who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl, do not give the kiss the attention it need.
2.      Always imagination is powerful,
Imagination is the preview of life coming attraction, imagination of human beings is more important than life, its make your future life.
3.      Persistency is priceless,
Keep an eye on your problems for longer, and stay happy with that, becomes too smart is not good for your problems to solved, stay longer with it.
4.      Making mistake,
A person who make mistake can learn more compare to those who does not make mistake
5.     Follow Your Curiosity
I am only passionate, I have no special talent’
6.      Create value,
Strive not to be success, but rather to be of value’
7.      Knowledge come from experience,
The only source of knowledge is experience, information is not knowledge.
8.      Live in the moment,
The future come soon enough, i never think of the future.
9.      Don’t be repetitive,
Doing the same thing again and again and expecting the same results, “insanity;
10.  Learn the rules & then play better
You have to learn the rules how to play the game, then you to participate, now you will play better than anyone else
Source: Dumb little man

 hello,like this post, why not sharing it?